Jewelry Software (Zarghazal)

Jewelry Software (Zarghazal)

Blog Article

Financial Management Flexibility and Ease of Use Easy Reporting and Invoicing

Jewelry Software (Zarghzal) Jewelry Store Cash Register (Zarghzal): Zarghzal software is designed to meet the specific needs of the jewelry and coin shops.

General needs such as complete accounting, presenting financial balances, and preparing comprehensive reports, as well as specific needs such as accurately registering and issuing invoices and calculating taxes and duties, are specifically designed for this industry.

Sina Pardazeh Company, publisher of financial and administrative software

The set of features provided in this software makes financial management of the gold and jewelry business easy. One of the outstanding features of this software is its ease of use and accounting of financial affairs without specialized accounting knowledge.

Software Features Easy to use the program without the need for accounting information Definition of unlimited number of users (in the network version) Ability to maintain inventory and customer information With Sinapack and solar calendar features Issuing sales invoices from pro forma invoices Registering goods using a barcode reader Sending report output to Excel Calculating gross profit on invoices

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